Heading to the market is likely part of most family routines, and while grocery shopping alone can help you keep your food costs down and reduce your overall footprint when it comes to your food consumption, have you taken every step you can to make sure you’re being eco-conscious at the grocery store?
Here are a few simple adjustments you can make to your grocery routine to ensure you are being as eco-friendly as possible.

Buy Reusable Bottles and Coffee Cups
Our reliance on single-use bottles and cups is a major contributor to landfills across the country. Do your part by purchasing a good, quality water bottle that you can reuse over and over rather than a single-use bottle of water. You can make the same effort with your coffee cups, which will be especially impactful if you drink multiple cups a day. And stop using K-cups while you’re at it!
Bring Your Own Bags
This one may seem obvious, and many of us already bring our own bags to the grocery store. But are you still grabbing those little plastic bags for your produce? Take things a step further and bring reusable bags for your
Buy in Bulk
Instead of buying items that are individually wrapped, head to your grocery store’s bulk section and load up in your own containers. This is another way to help cut down on packaging, which is your number one contributor to waste when grocery shopping. You can take these steps with items like granola, nuts, dried fruits, and beans.
Speaking of beans, these nutritious meat alternatives are less destructive on the environment than
These are just a few steps you can take at your local market to make your grocery shopping trips more eco-friendly. If you’re considering a green job and care about the environment, they won’t be too difficult to work into your routine!
Green Jobs
How to Apply for a Green Job With the demand for green jobs skyrocketing so far in 2017, giving yourself a unique edge can be difficult—yet absolutely necessary—in order for you to become a proud worker for Mother Earth. Follow these steps to successfully claim your next environmentally friendly employment opportunity. 1. Resume: Make sure … Continue reading..