With so many natural disasters across the United States, erosion control and vegetation restoration are at an all-time high in terms of necessity. When natural disasters, such as fires and hurricanes, take vital natural anchors, such as grass and soil, away from an area, it is up to us to put the grass and soil back. It does not take too much time or money and saves over a lifetime of money, time, and lives.
Causing More Damage
As if erosion itself was bad enough, erosion just leads to more erosion. This is why as soon as a natural disaster happens, all erosion that occurs needs to be replaced. This will help stop further erosion. Replacing the erosion with earth and vegetation helps the surrounding environment work as good as it can. Erosion control products can help make the job of replacing vegetation easier and more efficient. It is important that the right nutrients are restored to the land in order for the maximum amount of help to occur to the land.
Personal Financial Loss
If you need a so-called civilized reason to replace erosion and vegetation and not a natural one, then the cost to you and the value of your home could be in danger. The financial loss from not keeping the environment around our homes is overwhelming. The idea may be daunting but even in the poorest neighborhoods, preventing erosion and preserving nature is possible. In the wealthiest neighborhoods, there is the ability to both make the home property beautiful and create erosion resistant landscaping. We just have to work a little bit harder than we want to. Composting, bringing in more soil after storms, and planting thick tough greenery and grasses are some things we can do on our properties.
Millions of Dollars of Cost for Cities
On a grander scale, not replenishing erosion after storms and even preventing erosion before storms can cost towns and cities millions. In turn, the cost is passed down to the homeowner and citizens. Why not keep on the positive and replant beforehand. Erosion starts from inland and then trickles down to the shore. Making sure our shores are protected is just as important. Keeping the vegetation plush and full inland is a must. Flooding and the ocean are helped kept at bay by having the proper soil and vegetation to spread the water throughout an area. Studies show that by having grazing animals, grass, soil, and trees keeps an area fertile with greenery.
Government Help
Although there are some government incentive programs to help people plant more trees and use less toxic fertilizers and grass, we need more. Homeowners of every income level can contribute to enriching the land and saving their town. Money is donated to causes every day to this, that, and the other thing. Sometimes the donation could just be right in your backyard to replenishing natural habitat with the right vegetation for your climate. On top of helping the environment, as well as preserving your town, you can create an amazing hang out place right in your backyard. Tax breaks and incentives from the government for homeowners of all income levels and neighborhoods could make a big long-term difference.
What Do You Plant?

If you want to start today, look around at your own home or even your friends home, and ask yourself, “what can I do?” The first thing you want to do is research the soil. Understand your climate? Think indigenous plants that may not be lavish and so perfect. Keep non-native species out of your area. Non-native vegetation will harm the ecosystem of a towns green growth. Ask questions to the local garden and natural clubs. Research online. Get help if you need it. The answers are there, and you do not have to go with the most expensive and most difficult one. Greenery, for the most part, is pretty much free anyway. Try to use vegetation that uses the rain and conditions of your area so you do not have to spend a lot on watering.
Anything you do to help replenish vegetation wherever you are in the United States is important. When more people jump on the green bandwagon, we can really save a lot of time and money in the future. We will also help to preserve a green planet for the generations to come.
Green Jobs
How to Apply for a Green Job With the demand for green jobs skyrocketing so far in 2017, giving yourself a unique edge can be difficult—yet absolutely necessary—in order for you to become a proud worker for Mother Earth. Follow these steps to successfully claim your next environmentally friendly employment opportunity. 1. Resume: Make sure … Continue reading..