Every home has insulation in some form, but
did you know there are alternatives to that disgusting cotton candy mess.
Not only is traditional insulation made with
fiberglass, but it can also cause many health issues. To avoid these concerns,
you can outfit your new home or during a remodel with one of these green
alternatives. And remember, green materials = green jobs!
Sheep’s Wool
Sheep’s wool is the perfect alternative to fiberglass insulation. It will keep your home warm while keeping you safe, as sheep’s wool is actually fire retardant. Sheep’s wool provides an outer layer that is resistant to water while the inner layer will absorb moisture. It creates air pockets that

Cotton & Denim
One of the most eco-friendly insulation
options available is cotton, as it is a natural and renewable resource.
Leftover scraps of blue jeans are shredded and recycled into insulation that
will fill up your walls just like the traditional fiberglass variety. It is
treated with a borate solution so the insulation is not flammable. Cotton is
also a natural insect repellent and does not cause any respiratory problems.
The main issue is it is about twice the cost of fiberglass.
Icynene is a spray foam made of castor oil. It
is one of the strongest home insulation alternatives, and expands about 100
times its volume when sprayed into a wall or ceiling. This will seal leaks and
drafts and even cancel noise! The issue with Icynene is a ventilation system
will be required, so the upfront costs will be high. However, in the long run
it will save you money because of how much it will save you on your energy
There are even other options, such as aerogel,
polystyrene, thermacork, and cellulose, for you to consider. But when it comes
time to either build a new home or take on a remodel, consider the impact using
eco-friendly alternative materials can have on your energy bills.
For the latest on green trends and green jobs,
keep tuning in here to the blog!
Green Jobs
How to Apply for a Green Job With the demand for green jobs skyrocketing so far in 2017, giving yourself a unique edge can be difficult—yet absolutely necessary—in order for you to become a proud worker for Mother Earth. Follow these steps to successfully claim your next environmentally friendly employment opportunity. 1. Resume: Make sure … Continue reading..