Perhaps you’ve heard, but the framework for the Green New Deal has been released, and included within it is the lofty goal to replace every combustion-engine vehicle within the next 10 years.
The plan comes not only with massive hype, but
also a plan to overhaul the country’s transportation system. According to the
Green New Deal, electric cards, public transportation, and high-speed rail and
how Americans will get around in the future. Naturally, taking harmful vehicles
off the road is the goal of anyone who cares about the planet, but making it a
reality is another matter and its one that Americans who fall under the poverty
line are quite concerned about.

New voices are emerging in support of the poor, who don’t have transportation of their own. They say the new deal should actually help them to get behind the wheel and in doing so help them to rise up out of poverty. At the same time, the goal is to take more successful individuals off the road, or at least reduce their driving time.
It’s a fine balance to navigate, but it’s one that experts think is doable. Since the statistics do show that those with cars have more income than those without them, it’s clear that those who have issues getting around have a harder time rising up out of their circumstances. In essence, the system is fixed against them.
However, car ownership isn’t the only
solution. A shared electric car pilot program already exists in Los Angeles,
for example. But as the country seeks to attain a cleaner future for
transportation, the Green New Deal must address the needs of the poor as well
so those below the poverty line aren’t stuck there forever due to
transportation issues.
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Green Jobs
How to Apply for a Green Job With the demand for green jobs skyrocketing so far in 2017, giving yourself a unique edge can be difficult—yet absolutely necessary—in order for you to become a proud worker for Mother Earth. Follow these steps to successfully claim your next environmentally friendly employment opportunity. 1. Resume: Make sure … Continue reading..