It’s likely that if you’re reading this, you care about the impact you’re making on the planet. We’re willing to bet you’ve even taken some steps to help reduce your carbon footprint, whether that be by recycling, working green jobs, using your own reusable grocery bags, or even growing some of your own produce. But have you considered how making changes to your commute (to said green job, ideally) could make a difference?

Even if you must drive to work every day, there are still
some changes you can consider making. Let’s take a quick look.
Yes, this one is obvious, but have you honestly looked
into it? If you go into the office every day, perhaps you have a coworker who
lives nearby. Maybe even two! Every person in the car is a round-trip commute
saved, which can make a big difference for your overall carbon footprint, plus
you’ll save on gas too.
Even if there’s no one at your own office who fits the
bills, you can look into apps like RideShare or iCarpool to find
people to share rides with.
Switch to a More Efficient Vehicle
Driving a more eco-conscious car is another great way to
reduce your commuter footprint. Once again, you’ save on gas and emissions when
you switch over to an electric or hybrid vehicle. Many states will even offer
you a tax incentive that will help pay you back for the car, so do your
Keep Your Car Maintenance Up-to-date
A car that performs optimally will create less pollution,
so make sure your maintenance is up to date. You’ll also use more fuel when
your car isn’t performing properly, so you’ll be saving money by being
For better gas performance, consider fixing your oxygen
sensor or having fuel injection service.
You can even improve your gas mileage my making sure your
tires are properly inflated!
It’s easy to see how making a few simple adjustments can help you reduce your commuter carbon footprint without causing too much hassle. Assess your situation and see what improvements you can make. For the latest in green jobs news and efficiency tips, keeping checking out
Green Jobs
How to Apply for a Green Job With the demand for green jobs skyrocketing so far in 2017, giving yourself a unique edge can be difficult—yet absolutely necessary—in order for you to become a proud worker for Mother Earth. Follow these steps to successfully claim your next environmentally friendly employment opportunity. 1. Resume: Make sure … Continue reading..