He’s the one who showed you how to ride a bike. And catch a football. Or maybe he took the time to play “dollhouse” with you when he low-key would have rather been doing something else at the moment. But most importantly, he’s the one who showed you how important it is to stand up for what you believe in – and that includes taking care of the planet we call home. So, wouldn’t it be fitting to give him the perfect green gift this upcoming Father’s Day? Here are a couple of green Father’s Day gifts your Old Man will be sure to love this year.
1) Refillable K-Cup Plus Organic Coffee
Does your dad enjoy making coffee before he heads to his green job? If he does, you can’t go wrong with refillable K-cups. These cups are much more cost effective than their plastic counterparts. And if you throw in some organic coffee grounds, your dad will be well on his way to brewing his favorite joe without contributing to the waste problem that’s impacting Mother Earth.

2) Plant a Tree for Him
A great way to show your green-loving dad that you love him
is to plant a lovely tree to honor him. A tree is the perfect gift, as it
provides shade, keeps our air clean, and produces fruit. If you plant one to
honor your dad, his offspring can continue to enjoy this gift for generations to
3) Organic Dried Snacks
They say that the way to a man’s heart is through his
stomach. Well, if your dad is like many dads in America, they’d never turn down
a Father’s Day gift of dried snacks, like popcorn and nuts. To add a proverbial
cherry on top, make sure that these snacks are organic. The love you have for
your father plus the love you have for the planet, all wrapped up in a few bags
of yummy treats, couldn’t be a better way to celebrate Father’s Day.
Green Jobs
How to Apply for a Green Job With the demand for green jobs skyrocketing so far in 2017, giving yourself a unique edge can be difficult—yet absolutely necessary—in order for you to become a proud worker for Mother Earth. Follow these steps to successfully claim your next environmentally friendly employment opportunity. 1. Resume: Make sure … Continue reading..