The trend of growing indoor plants is increasing exponentially. Due to the globalization and change in market dynamics, people are not able to earn so much to own a house. So they opt for a condo or apartment to be their home. This is the reason indoor plants and greenhouse project indoor are gaining popularity these days. So whether you are growing your plants in your apartment’s kitchen or have a small home greenhouse, the use of LED lights will be a remarkable contribution towards the well being of your plants. LED lights, car considered super-efficient as the conventional lighting systems like HID lamp, fluorescent and sodium releases too much heat which is harmful to the plants. While you are buying your LED lights for your small greenhouse project, make a list of what exactly are you growing as it will determine what kind of lights you should use. Lights depend on the type and variety of species used for growing plants. For instance, plants like herbs and lettuce need low lighting system, whereas plants grown in dry and sunny weather will need more light to grow and vegetables to be ripe.
There are a number of factors involve in purchasing the LED lighting system for your home. Make sure that the light you are buying is not for commercial use as it will be too much for your plants. Secondly, the brand and warranty of the product play a significant role in buying preferences. It is better if you do some research beforehand or ask around for people who already have an LED greenhouse. Another critical factor is electricity usage. It should not be an expensive energy consumptions option which will make paying your electricity bills trouble. You will also require the proper tools for installation like screwdriver, pliers, drywall saw, drill and circular connectors where needed.

Today, we will discuss some of the popular types of LED lights which are good in quality and can be bought easily from the stores or online:
Ledgle LED Grow Light
This light is comparatively smaller in size, but have impeccable performance. It can be use to grow all types of flowers and vegetables. It is longer lasting and uses less electricity. This light has an incredible lens used to spread light in equal proportion. It is ideal for an indoor home greenhouse because of its size and strong performance. It can easily be purchase online and from a retailer as well.
Mars Hydro-Reflector LED Grow Light
This LED light can only be used for indoor flowers and vegetable cultivation. Due to its strong performance, it can work up to eight hours a day. It can be use to grow all types of plants at every stage. Core features include 144 LED light pieces consuming 5 watts, has a reflective design and is full spectrum light.
Galaxyhydro 600watts LED Grow Light
This Galaxyhydro light is also fantastic to use on the plants as if a lamp is hanging on them. It can be used for illumination at a high level, but you have to careful to place the light at the correct height otherwise, it will damage the plants. Some of the specifications of the light include 90 and 120-degree angle coverage, full-spectrum light and a warranty of at least two years. The online reviews are satisfactory from the clients who are using it.
Viparspectra Reflector-Series (450 watts)
This light will only be use for mature plants. It comes with 300 and 600 watts of energy. The first one might be used for your garden, but the latter is a little more for the health of your plants. It has more coverage and an excellent degeneracy system. You might have to care in handling this light as it may cause infection to your eyes if have direct contact. Make sure you use this light indoor as it is not waterproof and might cause short circuits.
Kind Led Grow Lights K3 & K5 Series
This light is also very popular and manufactured by a California based company. Core features may include availability of IV and UV, full-light spectrum, three years warranty and are presented in the market with five different models. Although it is solid build and provide an optimal amount of light to the pants, it can be a bit expensive for home users.
California Light works Solar storm
This light provides small scale growers with the ideal amount of light. It can be use for all stages of plants and has a programmable spectrum control. Specifications include no infrared rays, three years warranty and ultraviolet spectrum switch with light bulbs. It is considered a branded product with long life and saves usage. Due to its unique features, it is considere a costly product in the market.
Building your own greenhouse in your home is not only a great hobby, but also an incredible initiative for protecting the green environment. Using LED light is one of the most cost-efficient options recently introduced in the market. While buying your favorite LED lights, it is better to go through the return policy, requirements for any spare parts and guarantee of the product. If you are aware of these things, you can always contact the manufacturer in case of any problems.
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