Ever wondered what a good test case is? In simple words, a good test case is only a way forward to accomplish the overall objective of quality while writing a test case. For instance, if you are testing an accounting app and need to reconcile accounts, a test case that validates the two accounts and has been reconciled accurately while validating that all calculations are correct is called a good test case. On the contrary, if a test case is written that validates the precise position of buttons, or number formats may not be as useful, considering that accounting calculations are the main objective of the software. If that test case failed, what actions would be taken? Well, maybe nothing.
In short, a good test case is one that ensures or it validates the required functionality of an application. And its priority is ranked so that it is executed in the same manner to reduce the risks. However, a QA team cannot do so without the help of test case management tools. We have listed several ways to write effective test cases that can help many QA professionals below:
Never Assume, Always have Exact Requirements

Testers who assume how the intended functionality of a test case should have a hard time realizing they are on the wrong path. It is always better to have a thorough understanding of the software requirement specification (SRS) document. Testers should follow a logical approach instead of following their intuition. While writing down test cases, testers can deviate from the actual requirements if they assume its features and functionalities. This not only affects the application under test (UAT) but also the relationship an organization has with its clients.
Keep a Check on the Product Updates
It is critical to follow the software requirement specification but not if it is based on an outdated version of the software. Nobody wants to test a feature that does not exist. We live in an evolving world where companies are moving to agile, and where product development drives through the fast lane. Sometimes in order to cope up with short delivery times or after deploying an immediate bug fix, the product specification is ignored. It is the best way to update the SRS document with respect to any change whether it is major or minor.
Prepare to the Point Descriptions
Test case description is important for identifying the root cause of the bugs and it should always contain the steps to reproduce them. Some testers fail to realize the thin line between writing specific details and writing them accurately. A tester who writes stories in the field for test case description realizes that it would be better to fill the description with as many details as possible. It did not only waste time but the developer’s tool I realized that it is important to keep the description crisp, clear, and simple. Nobody likes to read lengthy stories and on the point.
User Personas
A user persona is a fictional representation of an end-user that describes how people from different fields would operate the software. If a tester is not familiar with user personas then they must be wondering why they need a fictional character to help write effective test cases. It’s crucial to identify the user’s scope.
Take Ownership of the Test Cases
Test cases often juggle around without proper ownership, among a team of software teasers, working on a large project. Test cases should be properly distributed in such scenarios. Every tester is responsible for only the test cases assigned to the respective tester.
Test Case Management Tools
Test case management tools are extremely important for managing a stable release cycle. They help in developing a level of transparency where everyone knows about who is working on what. They can be helpful in tracking deadlines related to a bug fix and a lot more. However, many times the employees fail to utilize these tools actively.
100% Test Coverage
Test coverage is an essential aspect for enduring the robustness of a software application. Aim for test coverage before you deep dive into the test cases. Testers should take some time and plan the test cases to cover each component and functionality specified in the specification document.
All these tips should help QA and testers in writing effective test cases. However, teams also need to equip themselves with the right test case management tools to manage them efficiently.
Author Bio:
Natasha Ramzan is a senior content writer at Latest Businesses. He has written a lot of news and articles for dzone, datafloq, readdive and patch.com.