The concept of green business opens up a vast source of ideas and inspiration which can be combined to unbelievable benefits. Apart from providing financial means, it’s a strong foothold against environmental pollution, carbon emissions and other plagues of the modern society. On the other hand, rapidly-advancing technology is giving us sophisticated tools and practices to steer our operations and supply chains to a greener business model. Small steps in minimizing impact on the environment won’t only help the noble cause of saving the planet. It will also expand your business to new lucrative markets.
The importance of green branding
It’s now become indisputable that businesses that uphold sustainable principles are building brands that appeal more to environmentally-conscious customers. According to a number of studies, a majority of people trend to trust companies which make environmental concerns and social responsibility an integral part of their operations. In this light, your PR department should pay attention to consistency of their messages and the company voice. Use social media and your community to be vocal about local environmental problems, but also put your money where your mouth is and support green movements and initiatives.
The eco-friendly retail model
Consumer reward programs have been popular among retailers since time immemorial. But then it comes to green customer loyalty programs, few do it better than EcoPlum. With every purchase from this e-commerce site specializing in eco-friendly business gifts and “sustainable swag”, customers earn EcoChipz, which can be redeemed for either rewards or a donation to a list of environmental causes. Every product sold on the site has a third-party green certification or an equivalent eco label. Apart from selling sustainably sourced products, companies like EcoPlum publish educational content, like information on recycling, eco-tips, book recommendations, lists of local green businesses and monthly columns by industry experts. If you’re considering opening a retail store, make sure you partner with a company that shares values and motives with you and your customers.
Starting from scratch
If you’re looking to build a green business from the ground up, there are countless ideas to choose from, most of which are both environmentally-friendly and profitable. A lot of these green businesses can be operated from the comfort of your home, so the upkeep costs are minimal. Among the most promising ones are used books retail, sustainable event planning, drought-friendly landscaping, green housekeeping, upcycled furniture, refurbished phones and tablets, and eco-friendly toys.
Used books retail
Faced with the immense amounts of energy and raw bio-materials used in the production of new books, people are motivated to purchase used books. Sale of used books can be a profitable low profile business idea. Keep in mind, though, that your true profit lies not in a conventional brick and mortar bookstore, but in selling and advertising online.
Save electricity
Most people don’t know how unsustainable they are. But once they start thinking about their eco-friendly factor, they realise that this is really true. This is particularly true when thinking about the amount of electricity their company uses every single day. This is why this is something you need to start thinking about as well. Luckily, there are lots of ways to save electricity, including installing LED bulbs and doing simple things yourself. You can handle different projects on your own – from creating marketing videos using a simple video editor that’s going to give you everything you need without wasting energy to managing your projects yourself instead of hiring a project manager – so take this idea into consideration ASAP.
Sustainable event planning
Meetings, conventions, and celebrations generate large amounts of waste and consume valuable resources. Green event planning, on the other hand, relies on expertise and event-planning skills to procure eco-friendly venues, materials and accommodation. On top of it, there are financial incentives for green events, while they also generate a positive image for event organizers, vendors and stakeholders.
Green housekeeping
Cleaning the house is the bane of parents working long hours’ existence, sliding easily to the bottom of their list of priorities. You can market your business as a green housekeeping solution offering services that range from light dusting and vacuuming to heavy-duty kitchen and bathroom cleaning. However, the selling point is that you use only approved, all-natural and eco-friendly cleaning products. Either charge an hourly rate or come up with your own service packages for a flat monthly fee. Bear in mind that in this kind of business, where people give you access to their homes, building a trustworthy reputation comes before anything else.
In the beginning, making your business greener might seem like a costly or unfeasible proposal. While it’s true that it requires altering your existing business model, the spoils awaiting you down the road definitely justify the initial hurdles.