Water is the source of life and, as such, needs to be used in moderation. Otherwise, we’ll soon face a shortage of water that can further cause severe repercussions. There’s no time like the present to start to conserve water and contribute to preventing water shortage. Did you know that brushing your teeth and leaving the tap open as you soap up the dishes in the sink wastes litres of water per minute? Keep on reading to find out how you’ve been wasting precious litres and what you can do to save water at home from now on.
Shower instead of a bath
One of the easiest ways to conserve water at home is to cut your bathing time. What’s more, forget about bathing altogether and shower instead. Don’t waste water on filling the tub, but make better use of your time and water by jumping in the shower and cleaning yourself quickly and without much fuss. Turn off the tap while you soap your body, and turn it back on when it’s time to rinse.
Pick up shower water

Did you know that Australia is the driest inhabited continent in the world, according to Statista? That’s more than enough a reason to start using water mindfully. To make the most of your shower time, place a container in the shower that will collect all the water used during the shower. Don’t let all that water go down the drain, but put it to much better use instead. When you need to water the plants in the garden or irrigate the soil, that’s the water that you can use first and add more from the tap if needed.
Repair any leaking faucets
Leaking faucets and pipes can make your water bill skyrocket. On top of that, it will waste precious H2O as it will drip away without you noticing. Therefore, prevent paying money for the water you’ve never used and schedule a repair. Inspect all the hot water pipes too and if needs be, look for hot water repairs Wollongong wide and make an appointment with the best repair company in the area. Save the precious 15 litres of water a day by calling in the experts and having them fix your leaking pipes in no time.
Close the tap during morning and bedtime routines
Do you brush your teeth with the tap running? We understand that you might be too tired to notice that you’re wasting water in the morning and before bed, but you need to become more aware of the damage that you’re making. So, try your best to remember to turn the tap off once you’ve washed your face. It’ll take at least 10-20 seconds between grabbing a face cloth and dabbing the water, then reaching out for the toothbrush to apply the toothpaste on it. Don’t let the water go down the drain at that time, but only turn it on when you need to wash the toothbrush and rinse your mouth.
Load up washers to conserve water
According to research, two half-loads of washing machines will use more energy than a single full load. Therefore, don’t waste energy and water on half-loaded washers, but pile up clothes until you can fill the washer to its maximum capacity. Wash clothes at 30 degrees to use less energy in the process. That way, you’ll cut down both your energy and water bill.
Conserving water has never been more vital than today. So, do your best to use water wisely and mindfully and conserve it whenever you can. Whether you cut your showers short or brush your teeth with the tap turned off, it’ll contribute to water saving in the long run.