Freight trucks in the US are believed to emit 161.8 grams of carbon dioxide (CO2) every ton-mile, a high carbon footprint. The transportation sector is considered a significant contributor of CO2 gas, which increases the number of greenhouse gasses. Whereas greenhouse gasses keep the earth habitable by managing its temperatures, a sharp rise in primary greenhouse gasses affects this by contributing to the greenhouse effect. The greenhouse effect is responsible for global warming and climate change.
Out of all primary greenhouse gasses contributing to the greenhouse effect, only CO2 emissions are mainly due to human activity. It’s estimated that the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is the highest it’s ever been in a million years. This calls for hasty measures to curb global warming by reducing the emission of greenhouse gasses, like CO2. A high level of greenhouse gasses is toxic and has been linked to adverse environmental, economic, and social effects.
With decarbonization picking momentum, truckers and others in the transportation sector are encouraged to contribute to environmental conservation efforts by using low-carbon or carbon-negative fuels. Decarbonization refers to processes that help to reduce the amount of carbon in the atmosphere.
In a bid to decarbonize the environment through lower trucking emissions, technology companies have been at the forefront, developing and encouraging the adoption of green logistics in the transportation industry. Green logistics refers to low-cost delivery and logistic processes that help to reduce CO2 emissions and their negative environmental impacts.
Below is a discussion of emerging technologies that target trucking emissions. So, read on.
1. Electric Vehicle Technology
As environmental sustainability in the transportation sector becomes a primary concern, your company can play a role by shifting to freight vehicles powered by alternative fuels, like electricity. Your company’s carbon footprint can be reduced drastically by using electric freight trucks to offer delivery and logistics services. Powered by rechargeable batteries, electric freight trucks have nil tailpipe emissions.
With the growing number of companies working to build electric vehicles, it’s expected that more freight companies will move to sustainable transportation by shifting to electric trucks.
2. Laser Igniters
Engineers are working to eliminate spark plugs by developing engines fired by laser igniters. This is expected to reduce emissions from trucks and other vehicles because laser ignited engines don’t emit pollutants into the environment. In addition to reducing harmful environmental pollutants, laser igniters minimize fuel consumption, reducing operational expenses.
3. Carbon Capture

Researchers are proposing adopting a new patented concept that captures a truck’s CO2 emissions directly from the exhaust system. They believe this concept will reduce nearly 90% of a truck’s CO2 emissions.
The technology works by cooling down gasses in the exhaust pipes, after which water is separated from the gasses. CO2 is then isolated, extracted, and turned into a liquid stored in containers fitted on the truck’s roof. It remains there until it reaches a service station that converts it into regular fuel using green energy. Unlike electrification, carbon capture works with older trucks and vehicles that use conventional fuel to neutralize emissions.
4. Route Optimization Software
Truck routing systems reduce the time spent on long-haul journeys, effectively reducing fuel consumption. Lower fuel consumption leads to reduced carbon emissions and other air pollutants. This technology works by determining the shortest route a truck can use and minimizing last-mile inefficiencies.
5. Idling Reduction Technology (IRT)
Extreme weather situations, like excessive snow and storms, will compel any truck driver to idle. However, IRT devices now allow truckers to reduce the length of idling time by switching off the main propulsion using alternative technology, leading to significantly lower emissions.
6. Telematics Systems
Telematic systems are devices that combine telecommunication and information processing to reduce emissions. Telematic devices are installed in trucks to collect data intelligently from engines and transmission systems. Such devices also generate data, like the driver’s speed, fuel efficiency, and idle time. In the future, these devices are expected to also generate battery-specific data for rechargeable batteries in electric trucks and vehicles.
In addition, telematics enables logistics firms to organize their fleet’s details in a central location, enabling concurrent routine checks and maintenance processes.
7. Better Aerodynamic Design
Freight and logistics companies can reduce carbon emissions through better aerodynamics designs. Aerodynamics refers to the designs that enable objects to go through the air with less resistance. For trucks, it means reconsidering the current designs and redesigning trucks to improve fuel efficiency and lower emissions.
For instance, tires that reduce resistance will ease a truck’s movement, reducing engine fuel consumption. Similarly, trucks fitted with aerodynamics roofs experience reduced drag, improving fuel efficiency.
With global CO2 emissions reaching worrying levels, everyone must all step up efforts to protect the environment. Today, conservation efforts must be among the factors informing your business strategy. The whole of humanity needs the earth’s atmospheric environment to sustain healthy human life for millions of years. For this to happen, consumers and businesses alike must lessen activities that increase CO2 emissions into the atmosphere.
The need to conserve the environment has resulted in a growing number of people and businesses adopting sustainable technologies. Today, many emerging technologies target specific sectors to lower or curb CO2 emissions. For players in the transport sector, there’s a variety of technologies that target trucking emissions. These technologies enable truckers to play a significant role in environmental conservation since the transport industry is a major contributor to excessive greenhouse gasses.
While sustainable delivery and logistics help to protect the environment, they also benefit the businesses involved in various ways. For instance, telematics systems help ensure your vehicles are routinely serviced and maintained. This leads to more vehicle efficiency, improved fuel consumption, and cost reductions that positively impact on your company’s bottom line. Furthermore, sustainable logistics proves your commitment to a healthier natural environment. This can increase positive brand perceptions for your company among clients and business partners, improving your competitive edge.
As you strive to shift toward sustainable delivery and logistics, consider partnering with technology companies already playing their part in reducing CO2 emissions.