If you and your family love spending time outdoors as a recreational activity, there are many ways to do so. You can go camping, trekking, and fishing. And for those who want to combine nature with comfort and convenience, you’ll never go wrong with glamping. It’s where you camp in nature but with a more luxurious feel and vibe than conventional camping.
For example, you can rent out a multi level yurt for that perfect vacation retreat you’ve always wanted. Take a break from your daily routines and have some adventure with the fam bam. But before you start this journey, you should know how to make your glamping experience eco-friendly. After all, you wouldn’t want to contribute any waste while spending time with nature.
Here are some invaluable tips to have an eco-friendly glamping adventure:
Visit Eco-Friendly Glamping Sites
First thing’s first, choose an eco-friendly glamping site. These sites implement strict rules about taking care of the environment. They have sustainable practices that every camper follows, so the site remains clean and well-kept.
Going glamping ensures that your stay is comfortable, giving you access to electricity, water, and other amenities. Choose a glamping site that uses solar power and has natural water access. The site should be strict about the handling of waste. They should encourage recycling too. Furthermore, you should also choose a site with fire pits, so you don’t disrupt anything in nature. The surrounding wilderness will be less affected by your stay in this way.
Reduce Waste As Much As Possible

In order to make a greener glamping experience, you should reduce waste accumulation as much as possible. When you go glamping, use reusable dishes and cutlery with you so you can reduce your waste. Don’t use plastics, as this will only forfeit your eco-friendly ways. It would be helpful if you brought reusable bags so that you could separate your trash into compost and recycling. Take advantage of this time to teach your kids how to recycle and why it’s important.
You must take your trash to a place where it can be properly disposed of if there are no recycling facilities at your campsite. Your actions will have an impact on the environment, no matter what you bring with you or leave behind.
Use Natural Cleaning Products
When glamping, cleaning around before and after using amenities is essential. While it can be tempting to bring and use strong cleaning solutions that instantly eliminate bacteria and germs, you need to pause and reassess whether they may negatively impact the environment. If you are going glamping, pack cleaning supplies that are environmentally friendly.
Fortunately, there are many organic cleaning products in the niche market today. Whether you need organic soap, shampoo, detergent, or insect repellent, they are environmentally-friendly options. Natural ingredients are used in these products, which won’t pollute the air. Also, you can create your own version of natural cleaning products.
Tread Lightly
Another way to lessen your environmental impact when glamping is to tread lightly. Nature has its own characteristic and appeal, and it’s ideal to leave it as it is. Hence, if you visit nature, ensure to leave an as little impact as possible.
Having said that, you can tread lightly if you wear soft-soled hiking shoes. It is important that you do not disturb the land too much. There could be creatures and insects living under the surface of the soil and grasses you tread. You should do your best to preserve wildlife and nature.
Research Ahead About Making Bonfires
Glamping won’t be complete when you can’t enjoy some smores with your family and some story-telling session around a bonfire. The campfire is a must-do activity whether you go camping or glamping. Unfortunately, doing the wrong way of creating fire might negatively affect the surroundings.
The environment, as well as yourself, can suffer from a fire if it’s done wrong. The best way to resolve this issue is to research ahead about making bonfires. Also, inquire around the site and ask where the bonfire facility is. They might have a secluded place intended for fire. Other places should be banned, and you should avoid them.
Ensure to build a fire only in a fire pit. Be careful to place all your stuff far from the bonfire, and ensure that there are no hazardous chemicals beside the fire that could lead to accidents. Finally, when you’re done using fire, ensure to keep the fire out completely before packing up and leaving the site.
Your glamping journey will be more sustainable and guilt-free if you follow the green practices mentioned above. It’s your responsibility to look out for nature as it gives you a place to refresh and rejuvenate your soul. To protect the planet for future generations, you need to be aware of your actions and make small changes.