Treadmill is an aerobic exercise machine, except being a versatile cardio machine it can also help in losing weight. It is available at every gymnasium and we can have them in our home gyms as well. If you are looking to shed some weight, the treadmill will be there to help you by walking and running on it. You don’t need intense workouts and lifting heavyweight dumbbells. Bring a good treadmill at home and make your weight loss journey easier. Before using the treadmill, we should calculate our burning zone and maximum heart rate per minute.It will help us in losing weight using the treadmill. First of all we must know about what is our burning zone and maximum heart rate? And;
How can we calculate this?
The answer to this question is very simple, the maximum heart rate is 220 and we can calculate our heart rate by subtracting the age and burning zone is 60% to 70% of heart rate. By entering this information in the treadmill manual we can easily get our exercise plan.
Top 5 ways of losing weight using a treadmill
High-intensity interval training is a cardiovascular strengthening exercise that involves short intervals of high-intensity exercise with alternate resting periods. In this short interval of time, the body gets engaged in strenuous exercise and the resting period is twice the time of workout.
If we are running on a treadmill for continuous 10 minutes then we must take a rest for 20 minutes to cool down our body temperature. This will help in burning more and more calories and during rest the body gets energy by metabolizing fats which is a contributing factor in losing weight.
While using the treadmill, we should work out in our fat-burning zone. It will help lose weight and burn more calories. First of all calculate the maximum heart rate which is the number of heartbeats per minute and the burning zone will be 70% of the heart rate.
Fat burning zones vary from person to person, some people enter the burning zone at 90% and some at 80% however, the average burning zone is 70%.
Running or walking on the slow-speed treadmill can help you in burning the calories within your fat-burning zone.
During a workout on the treadmill, we must change our routines and patterns of working out. This strategy can help us in losing weight without being bored and it prevents us from having any spinal injury.
The same workout routines can be very stressful on our joints and it will also create a sense of fatigue.
To lose weight more early add hills to your workout, walk energetically and run at an incline burns more calories per minute and the muscles that are involved in continuous activity burn the fats.
Hills are the concentric movement patterns that help in losing weight quickly in a short interval and also strengthen our muscles for a further strenuous workouts.
Running 5 to 10 miles per hour daily on the treadmill can also help in losing weight because it is anaerobic exercise that involves the burning of fats more efficiently than any other workout.
Walking in the resting period lowers the body temperature and cools the body. This activity leans the muscle’s mass and loses weight.
The treadmill is one of the most valuable pieces of gym equipment for losing weight. It can be used at home to burn calories by running on it.
We can lose weight by adding hills in our workout or by high-intensity interval training. I hope this article will help you in achieving your desired weight goals.