3 Ways to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint at Home
In the face of the recent climate changes that we are facing, taking some vital steps to make sure that the place we call our home doesn’t deteriorate is imperative. Where governments have to make sure that they stop reducing the waste produced in industries, we have to do the same. As individuals, we can collectively make a huge difference by reducing our carbon footprint. If we keep going at the rate we are, ignoring the most basic signs, the world is going to be in imminent danger. Your carbon footprint is the total amount of greenhouse gas you produce. Here are some of the easiest ways you can begin shrinking your carbon footprint and make the world a better place to live in.
Keep a Check on the Food You Eat
The first thing that you need to do is eat low on the food chain. This means consuming as many fruits, vegetables, grains, and beans as you can and avoiding red meat as much as possible. The production of meat and dairy products amount to 15% of all the manmade global greenhouse gases. Another thing that you can do is to go to a local supplier. If you eat food that is not in demand, the supplier will spend fuel transporting it and keeping it cool. All of this consumes a lot of fossil fuels, which are bad for the environment.
Make Some Changes around Your House
You should begin by doing an energy audit of your home to get an estimate of how much energy you use and waste. It will help you to identify areas where you can save the maximum amount of energy. You can also make some small changes in your house, such as replacing all your incandescent light bulbs with energy-efficient bulbs, which will save almost 90% of energy wasted on lighting your home. Switch off the lights in rooms when you leave and install programmable thermostats so that it automatically adjusts itself according to your needs. If you are moving to a new home, you can go for bigger and more impactful changes. Taking a look at a list of green moving tips will help you create a fresh start so that you take a step in the right direction and make yourself a responsible global citizen.
Change How Your Travel
An average car produces five tons of CO2 every year. You can reduce your carbon emissions significantly if you walk more, take public transport, carpool, or drive a bike to your destination. Not only will it reduce your personal CO2 emission, but it will also reduce traffic. If you have some money saved up, you can even consider buying an electric car or purchasing a hybrid vehicle. If your business requires you to travel a lot, make sure that you don’t take the airplane to go to a place where a car can easily take you just to save a few hours. The more responsible you are with how much carbon elements you emit, the better it is for your surroundings.