The Boran and Gabra people in northern Kenya have been cattle herders, also known as pastoralists, for as long as...
The latest climate negotiations in Bonn, Germany, which were held June 17th to 27th, played out against an impressive backdrop...
In the run up to the UN Climate Action Summit in September 2019, national leaders will be looking for ways to...
In the run up to the UN Climate Action Summit in September 2019, national leaders will be looking for ways to...
One of South India's biggest cities is almost out of water. A year after Cape Town, South Africa had its...
Japan Is Leading on Business Climate Engagement. Will Ambitious Policies Follow? Comments|Add Comment|PrintJapan's national legislature, the Diet. Flickr/mbell1975 The Japanese...
A city without buildings is simply not a city. And yet when it comes to climate action, buildings tend to...
Chennai, India faced a devastating flood in 2015 that killed hundreds of people and displaced many more. Today, the southern Indian city’s...
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Low prices and unprecedented demand are fueling the growth of "fast fashion," which takes trends from runway to consumers in...
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