Science highlights key facts and figures about growing gap between targetand reality New York, 22 September 2019– The world’s...
“We have been waiting for you!” Jayathma Wickramanayake, the UN Youth Envoy, said, welcoming the boisterous crowd of young climate...
PRESS RELEASE Following massive rallies around the world for climate action, young people highlight plans to mobilize and accelerate...
Young activists, innovators, entrepreneurs and change-makers are due to gather at UN headquarters in New York at the Youth Climate...
For UN Secretary-General António Guterres, there is no time to lose in the face of climate change, rising inequality, increasing...
In a joint appeal for all nations to do more to provide better medical care for all, the World Health...
World leaders will be gathering at the United Nations in New York next week at a Climate Action Summit convened...
Despite progress in childbirth safety, one woman or baby dies every 11 seconds Although childbirth survival rates are a “staggering...
“We know why tackling climate change is important”, said Deputy Secretary-General Amina Mohammed on Wednesday. “The devastation wreaked by Dorian...
New York, 18 September—United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres today announced a new initiative aimed at ensuring that decent job creation...
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