Plastotecnica's ultrathin stretch film range combines excellent mechanical properties with very low environmental impact. Compared to the standard films, the...
Want to join the debate? Check out the Intelligence Squared website to hear about future live events and podcasts:
Pat Huelman, Cold Climate Housing Coordinator with the Univeristy of Minnesota Extension discusses the issuses associated with insulated foundation walls.
When we create sustainable buildings, we consider indoor environment quality, water efficiency, materials and resources, energy efficiency, etc. Yet we...
Earthday school display board || Environment friendly school display board || #earthday #schooldisplayboard #schoolbulletineboard ...
EL Trío Eco Potosino de SLP nos interpreta dos temas para zapatear "El Bigote" y "La Burra Orejona", desde el...
This is a basic tutorial that covers how to measure your pipe to determine the "pipe size" for ordering fiberglass...
Think Green visits a home in Ohio where NEOPOR Insulation is installed for an exterior remodel. Grace Showalter from BASF...
The environmentally friendly burial pioneer from Sweden. She is a really interesting person, with a great story and despite coming...
Hebat mana ya ?? Kapur Barus VS Eco Racing !! Murah VS Mahal ... Xperiment kali ini, Menggunakan Pertalite dengan...
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